monopolize the market造句

"monopolize the market"是什么意思   


  1. We ' re monopolizing the market now
    (我们现在是独霸了整个市场。 )
  2. The service providers monopolize the market
  3. So people call it the chain store paradox , according to the explanation of the game theory , none of firms can prevent the other firms " entrance and then monopolize the market
  4. Analyses about vc show that vc can monopolize the market to a certain extent by making innovation , meanwhile get windfall profit with high risk in the process of making innovation
  5. It's difficult to find monopolize the market in a sentence. 用monopolize the market造句挺难的


  1. "monopolizable"造句
  2. "monopolization"造句
  3. "monopolizations"造句
  4. "monopolize"造句
  5. "monopolize everything"造句
  6. "monopolize the world"造句
  7. "monopolized"造句
  8. "monopolized industry"造句
  9. "monopolized sector"造句
  10. "monopolizer"造句

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